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Experience, Sun Peaks, Canada & Alaska Karen McMahon Experience, Sun Peaks, Canada & Alaska Karen McMahon

Discovering Sun Peaks

Pause for a moment and imagine standing amidst snow ghosts, surrounded by a stunning mountain landscape on a mystical snowy day. In our fast-paced lives, we often forget to slow down and enjoy some “me time.” Sun Peaks is that gentle reminder to nourish your soul. Connecting with nature here isn't just about the breathtaking views; it's a journey back to your inner self, perhaps even reviving your inner child.

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Experience, Italy Cathleen Adams Experience, Italy Cathleen Adams

A break from the ordinary

On weekends, the village market was a bustling hub of activity. Stalls brimmed with vibrant produce, fragrant herbs, and handcrafted goods. I’d stroll through, chatting with vendors and sampling their offerings. There was something incredibly satisfying about buying fresh ingredients directly from the people who grew them. Cooking with these ingredients back at the bed-and-breakfast felt like a tribute to the land and its people.

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